Clothes throughout the years have been changed drastically. They have gone from showing barley any skin, to showing as much skin as possible. Though lots of clothes nowadays are little and show lots of skin, there are actually some clothes that don’t show many and are also comfortable.
In the early 1700s, women used to dress in fancy long and thick dresses. Yes, sometimes these were very uncomfortable considering there were hundreds of wires poking them due to the corset. They wanted to look good just like we do now, although we show much more skin than they did. Men also wore fancy clothes but they looked almost like a suit except they wore these types of pants called “breeches, or knee breeches.” Breeches are pants that come down a little below the knee with long socks that cover the rest of the mans leg.
Clothes today are very small and short. This mostly started in the 2000s when women started wearing low rise jeans, low rise shorts, and tank tops. Men started wearing extra baggy clothes with a hat on. It eventually moved into shorter shorts and shorter cropped tops and very short dresses for women. Some women still do dress as they did in the 2000s and mens style has not changed that much other than the men that wear tighter pants and men that wear shorts.