Read Across America Day is celebrated to encourage children to read and to promote a new love for reading. The day is celebrated annually on or near March 2nd, which is also the birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss.
The National Education Association (NEA) launched Read Across America Day in 1998. This day was originally centered around Dr. Sruss, but has since embraced diversity by involving every book, author, and genre. The reason for Read Across America Day is to inspire students to become avid readers, promote literacy, and bring communites together.
Some ways you can celebrate is by schools participating with guest readers, author visits, book clubs, and book scavenger hunts. Others ways are when you are by youself which is simply reading a book, joining your local library, and reading with a child.
Another important national reading day is February 5th, World Read Aloud Day. For more info on both :