Would you like to pick new school colors? My my partner, Taylor and I decided to survey teachers to see what colors they would pick for our school if they had the choice. They were given three color choices which were orange, purple, and green. One out of nine teachers chose orange, but the most popular color was purple. IF YOU HAD TO CHOOSE BETWEEN KEEPING THE SCHOOL COLORS AS THEY ARE OR CHANGING THEM, WHAT WOULD YOU DO ?
Well, many of the teachers we interviewed said they preferred the blue. These teachers agreed that blue matches the mascot, and some even said that its their favorite color. These teachers take pride in their school along with the colors that represent it.
The students also feel the same way; most of the students at our school would keep the colors as they are. Like the teachers they say it suits the school and the mascot. Maybe they are just used to the colors or maybe it’s just that they prefer it. Regardless of if the school decides to change the color or not, would you like to pick new school colors?