4- 12 Days of Christmas

4- 12 Days of Christmas

Abigail Holbert

“On the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me four calling birds.” This day is the day to remember all the babies killed by King Herod in his attempt to murder baby Jesus. The four calling birds stands for the four gospels. The fourth day of Christmas is the feast of the Holy innocents also called Childermas or Innocent’s Day.

The fourth day is considered a day for children. Tradition has it as a day tobless your children for protection and intercede for the protection of all children especially those in danger. Some traditions have the youngest childbecome “king” for the day and as such rules the day by making decisions about what to eat or what activities to do. Another tradition is to serve soft food as infants would eat and to serve food red in color which is usually a dessert in remembrance of the children who lives were lost.