5- 12 Days of Christmas

5- 12 Days of Christmas

Abigail Holbert

“On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me five golden rings.” It is a day to remember the Archbishop of Canterbury, St Thomas Becket, who was murdered because he challenged the king’s authority over the church. The five golden rings are reportedly the five books of the Old Testament. St, Thomas Becket was at one time the chancellor to King Henry II and the two became good friends as they both shared mutual interests as well as love of luxury. After being named Archbishop, St. Thomas began to change his outlook on life by giving up his former indulgences and focusing on penance and prayer.

Remember that in St. Thomas time people, have had few fundamental liberties. In addition, the Church offered certain protections to windows and orphans contained within their laws and proceedings. Tradition holds a hallowed time between Christmas and Epiphany. An accident tradition during this time is to go from house to house singing carols. St. Thomas was martyred during evening vespers, a time of prayer begun by singing. Gathering together with family and friends to participate in the tradition of caroling.